I deliver compelling experiences through human-centered design.

Jon Shih | Experience Design & Strategy

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design + technology + business

I am a seasoned designer with 7+ years’ experience envisioning and delivering compelling technology-enabled experiences as well as spearheading adoption of human-centered design practices for some of the world’s largest organizations across the US, UK, Canada, and China. My multidisciplinary background allows me to combine a deep understanding of user experience with hands-on technical expertise and business acumen to achieve solutions that are viable, feasible, and desirable.

In my previous lives, I spent time as a customer experience designer, back-end developer, and product designer. In my spare time, I enjoy playing/writing music, mixology, and eating my way around the world.

My résumé

My work

Apologies for the mess—there’s a little house cleaning in process. Let’s chat in person if you’d like to learn more about what I’ve done!

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Get in touch

If you’d like to work together or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email. I promise I don’t bite!